What We Are All About

​​Welcome to Israel Gap Year, a company run entirely by students, just like you. What is our mission? To give you a real inside look at what it’s really like to spend a gap year in Israel. We’re here to help you find the perfect program, show you all the ropes, and give you the best tips and tricks to make your experience incredible.

Now, we get it. Choosing the right gap year program can be confusing. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re looking into seminaries or yeshivas, we’ve got all the info you need to make a smart decision that fits your interests and goals. 

Oh, and parents. We know you want the best for your kids and want to understand what’s going on with all of these seminaries and yeshivas, where to buy your kids packages for their birthday, and what they should do on the one Chol Hamoed day that they have nothing planned. That’s exactly why we created a one-stop-shop where you can find all of the details in one place. No more endless searches!

Israel Gap Year started out of a need. Sure, some lucky people have older siblings to give them the inside scoop, but most of us need a little more guidance. We started out as a small Instagram page, but with Hashem’s help have grown into something big. We’ve helped thousands of high school grads just like you choose the perfect place for their gap year and provided them with additional insights every step of the way.

We strongly encourage you to join our IGY community and take advantage of our resources. We’re here to show you the real deal and share our personal experiences from different schools and programs. We believe that by keeping it real, we can give you the best advice to set you up for an epic gap year. See you on the “flip” side 😉 !!

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